HealthBar Mission

From the Hedera18 Global Hackathon, HealthBar presentation

HealthBar Vivid Vision

Our Mission:​ ​Giving patients the control they want and giving researchers the data that they need. Helping caregivers reduce operation costs, and guaranteeing transparency for insurance companies. The first fast, simple, secure solution for global health records management, where all users are compensated for their participation in the network.

Values: ​​Our values stem from two very simple tenets. They were clearly stated in the Gospel of Mark but they transcend any particular religious beliefs. The first is to “love God with all thy heart, strength and understanding”. Even those that may not recognize any entity they can call God, surely must admit that the universe poses a vast mystery to it’s beholders. We stand before this mystery with open hearts and curious minds and we seek to inspire others through our love of this great mystery. The second tenet is to love thy neighbor as thyself. We believe the best way to love our neighbors is to assist them in the having and holding of life’s most precious commodity, our health.

Beyond HIPAA standards, we promise to provide a health records management tool that is:

H​elpful​ – Managing one’s healthcare and that of their family can be a daunting complicated task. We aim to simplify this process.

I​ntuitive​ ​– The application must be intuitive to the user or it will fall short of being helpful.

P​rotecting/Preservative​ – We will always take the necessary steps to insure the safety of patient data.

A​ccountable​ – We will provide an application that insures accountability across the spectrum of healthcare from caregivers and their patients to insurers and medical researchers.

A​ccessible ​- The application will strive to stay accessible at every level, breaking down barriers of language and physiological limitations.

Team: ​Our team consists of talented individuals with a passion for excellence and an uncompromising belief in the sovereignty of our identities and our data.

Culture:​ Our culture is founded on the Golden Rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. While this sounds simple, it is not. The Golden Rule requires that as a company we stay flexible and quick to adapt. A product demonstration in the United Arab Emirates would likely unfold very differently than if we were demonstrating in Los Angeles, California. As a company with aspirations to solve global issues, we must be able to adapt to the culture we are catering to in each instance. That being said, our general cultural outlook as a company is socially casual, philosophically intent. In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.”

While we will strive to uphold the tenets of adaptability and compromise, we believe that the rights of the many can only be preserved by insuring the inalienable rights of the

individual. We will never cater to organizations or institutions that seek to subvert the God given rights of the individual; liberty, justice and the pursuit of that which is one’s own.

Financial Stewardship​ – This will be a crawl – walk – run sustainable business. We will bring positive cash flow to every aspect of the business. We will take that positive cash flow and invest in our people and our community. We will not use debt to shortcut the process of development. We take the long view. We believe supreme skill comes from hard work. This is called Stewardship. We will do good and well at the same time.

Entrepreneurial Strategy​ – We believe there are entrepreneurial opportunities in Hashgraph technology and we believe there are entrepreneurial opportunities in healthcare. We will bring the security and low cost of Hashgraph technology to healthcare. Families worldwide are struggling to manage their health. In an era when healthcare is being crushed by the weight of it’s own complexity and costs, we will forge a secure path to managing the health of the family.

Financial Excellence​ – We will perform the financial function with a technical excellence based on accounting principles crafted to achieve sound financial stewardship. We will establish procedures to insure proper revenue recognition. We will establish procedures to ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

We will examine all costs with an eye towards cost control and reporting. I believe as does John E. Jones, III:
What gets measured gets done, what gets measured and fed back gets done well, what gets rewarded gets repeated.

We will manage cash to ensure the company meets short term commitments and in the long run win with money by achieving a sound financial footing. Our goal will be to lower working capital requirements and to improve predictability. With cash management and risk management being vital to the long term growth of a business; every aspect of the business will be evaluated on a high risk adjusted basis.

Snapshot 3 years out:​ ​In three years time HealthBar will have established a firm foothold in the independent caregiver market segment, offering an efficient, low cost data management tool. In the larger markets HealthBar will be an established name in national healthcare data standards and a powerful value added feature for the existing big players in electronic medical records (EMR) such as Epic and Cerner. In line with the Consolidated Health Informatics (CHI) initiative of 2003, HealthBar will take a prominent role in the game of healthcare data standards via the Health Integrated Consensual Access Application (HICAA). These standards will insure the availability and transferability of health data across the chasms of existing proprietary software management systems.